الخميس، 19 مايو 2011

Bye... Bye... Blogger

Well guys i guess I'm going to be leaving blogger because now its my final day on it... I wont be having any chance of going on it anymore and posting new blogs because our teacher saw ours blogs and she loved them all :) ... Bye everyonee and thankkk You very much for reading my blog x

الأربعاء، 18 مايو 2011

Getting a MacBook Pro 2011

Guys the time has come .. Put down your wallets,swords,guns,english books and etc. I am getting a mactinosh macbook pro 2011 Finally !! You have no idea how long it took me waiting to buy it :D But the worst thing is i can't use it because of exams ! thank you exams :) you really make my day
Guys you know how much time it took me to do this blog

  • I had to cancel my cousins wedding to continue on the blog
  • I had to not go to tuition and continue on my blog.
  • I stayed up from 8pm till 3am doing the blog.
Pretty much i worked really hard for it and everything should be worth reading , don't just look at the pictures and say I'm done looking at this blog .... Please read it if you can (:

الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011


IF THE SNOW DOESN'T Move your cursor , Refresh the page

Welcome back rain :|

I just stepped out of the house and it was flooding rain, thunder was crazy, lightening was soo bright and every time it struck lightening ... Kuwait was fully bright seriously i could see the whole of Kuwait very bright ..

Joke of The Day

Sister : Can you go to the sun ?

Other sister replies : No 

Sister : Why

Other sister : Because its too hot

Sister : Don't be silly, you could go at night.

السبت، 14 مايو 2011

Daily Poems ...

Im probably going to be posting poems not everyday because i am usually busy you know with the studying and stuff :( ... Ok so todays poem is about school


School what can i say                                 
School im there like all day
School can be cool at some points 
School im really gifted when it comes down to it
School is mainly hell but what can i say 
School is were my friends are at everyday
School were is were I get to see my favorite teacher Miss Jeniffer
School is were I get to go to an English lesson which is my favorite lesson.
Ha-Ha school whats left to say 


NOW HERE ARE SOME FUNNY EXCUSES ( If they're not funny try to laugh XD )
Teacher : Where is your assignment ?

Student : My dog ate it

Teacher : So you ate your assignment ?
 Hahahahaha im tearing from laughter :/

School starts ..

Weekend has finished and school is coming up .... So guys get your pencils,rubbers,rulers,shovels,swords,wallets,cannons,dogs,cats,dinasours,cookies and pretty much all the school equipment you need.

Here is a random school sentance :

At age 5 failing an exam : *Cries* :'(

At age 13 failing an exam : Its ok ill do better next time

At age 17 failing an exam : High five students, who else didn't pass this exam :D